Why We’re Here

What brings us all here today? Most likely, it’s because we feel like something is missing in our lives. We feel like there is more out there or we are left feeling unsatisfied. We may know that we need to make some difficult changes, but we don’t know how to do it or how to go about it. Or maybe we are already aware of such things and we are looking for others to support us on the path to self-growth.

I’m not a psychologist, a monk, or someone who overcame some fantastical traumatic event. I’m just a regular guy who has failed over and over again and who came to the realization that it was time to turn those failures into lessons that I could learn from. It was time to change my perception and decide that the only thing I can control in life is my reactions to events.

In 2018, after a mental breakdown, I realized that all the things I’d been taught in school – algebra, history, and chemistry – in no way prepared me to manage daily life. During the following years, I did the difficult work of leaning into discomfort and recognizing the coping mechanisms that stood in the way of my growth and contentment. I ultimately discovered that the happiness and purpose I’d chased for so long would always be elusive until I mined for those things inside of myself.

While I will always be learning and growing, I know the practices and experiences I have been doing have life-saving potential, because that is what they did and are still doing for me. I would like the opportunity to share them with you, while also learning from you! This is a community that shares ideas and supports one another as we all take on the journey of evolving as individuals. 


Face adversity with a stronger emotional foundation and a resilient mindset using the tools in this heartfelt, straightforward, four-part guide to personal transformation. 

As a film writer and producer in Hollywood, Justin Kornmann has seen and experienced the heights of career success, and the lows of unshakeable anxiety and depression. In this quick, accessible read, he distills real-life experiences and failures into indispensable lessons that have not only changed his perspective but transformed his entire life.

THE SH!T THEY DON’T TEACH YOU IN SCHOOL is split up into four parts (ACCEPT, LEARN, ACT, THE WHY), sprinkled with inspirational quotes from luminaries like Thich Nhat Hanh, Brené Brown, Gabor Maté, and Jay Shetty, and bookended with an actionable tip at the end of every chapter.

You will learn to:

  1. Become comfortable with the uncomfortable
  2. Speak your truth kindly
  3. Enjoy being wrong
  4. Learn from those who came before you
  5. Appreciate the power of presence
  6. And so much more

Kornmann’s book is a powerful bite-sized dip into deep wisdom for facing and getting through adversity across traditions and cultures. Readers can revisit it again and again, and find something new to grow from every time.